Gorillaz Pre Phase 4 Art Gorillaz Phase 3 Art


so the WHOLE Unabridged STORY of gorillaz is actually extremely ridiculously long and very very complicated and confusing so i am going to attempt my very hardest to sum everything upwardly as best as i possibly can without missing too much

(besides the "phases" don't actually hateful much besides marking the different anthology releases, which is why you may have noticed the band members look different every few years)

phase i (celebrity takedown) started around 1999. before phase 1, there was only this guy:


murdoc niccals. on august 15th, 1997 (d-day), he wanted to steal music equipment then he crashed a auto into a music shop where this guy:


stuart tusspot (then in his immature twenties) was working, and he hit stuart in the heart and sent him into a coma. murdoc was arrested, but rather than serving fourth dimension he had to do a lot of community service and likewise have intendance of stuart while he was in his blackout. murdoc being murdoc, he crashed his car a second time and sent stuart flying from the backseat, through the windshield and he hit his good eye on the concrete, which woke him from his vegetative state, thus "creating" the stuart you know today:


he was nicknamed second because he now has 2 "dents" in his head (which are actually 8-ball fractures if you wanted to know how this look could be possible). murdoc saw that 2nd was actually attractive and he could sing, then he made 2D the vocalist of his band

at present, this is russel hobbs:


he was involved in a drive-by shooting when his all-time friend Del (Deltron 3030 irl):


was shot and killed. del possessed russel, thus turning his optics completely white and haunting him from time to time when he plays the drums. he also raps in some of the gorillaz songs.

murdoc and 2nd needed a drummer then they kidnapped russel and russel for some reason forgave them and agreed to be their drummer.

the guitarist for a brusk while was 2d's girlfriend, Paula:


and together the four of them formed the band "GORILLA":


and the only song they recorded together was "ghost train". paula was kicked out of the band because russel caught her having sex with murdoc in the bathroom. they needed a new guitarist, and so they sent out an advertizement in the paper. not as well long after, this piffling affections arrived at their front end door:


she saw the ad and fed-exed herself from osaka to kong studios:


in essex, england. she was only ten and she only knew i word: noodle. therefore, they named her noodle and they made her the guitarist because she was really really good.

thus, gorillaz was built-in:


then they fabricated the first album around 2000, titled "gorillaz". they released a bunch of music, music videos, interviews, merch, a completely interactive website where y'all could walk effectually their house, and they even released piddling shorts that were shown on MTV for a while. you can sentry all of their videos and interviews on youtube. they won some awards as well, and even performed alive using holagrams.

{clint eastwood
rock the house
tomorrow comes today (epilepsy alarm)
live performance (epilepsy warning)
all "bites" (shorts shown on MTV)}

effectually 2002, they got a niggling tired of ane some other. lots of different personalities living under 1 roof. they faught a lot, particularly murdoc and 2D (2nd is not "all at that place" and he takes a lot of medication, murdoc is an asshole and abuses 2nd CONSTANTLY). so they all left kong studios for a while, but non before releasing some b-sides (g-sides).

at the end of 2 years, murdoc ended up in a mexican prison house, russel excorcised del's soul from his body (but kept the white eyes), which sent him into a horrible depression, 2nd got a job at his father's amusement park, and noodle went dorsum to osaka, nippon to discover more about her past.

while in japan, noodle found out from some old dude that she was actually a part of some kind of arrangement that turns immature children into state of war-machines (yeah, i know, fucking crazy, right?????). her retentivity had been erased by the old dude then that she could alive a normal life, and when her retentiveness was restored, she remembered everything, including how to speak fluent english language. having found herself, she was the first one to go back to kong studios. she wrote most of the second album past herself before the others came back to kong and helped her out.


(btw, that is noodle's pet monkey, mike. murdoc had a pet crow named cortez, and 2D had a pet domestic dog named Prince, merely no one knows what happened to them. go on reading)

this was around 2004 and would starting time phase 2 (slowboat to hades):


note the desperate style change. this phase was famous for its darker expect, and the music became a lot darker in their second album, "demon days".

dirty harry
feel expert inc.
el manana

they released some more teasers (which were "filmed" during their two-year break), more music, more than music vidoes, more live performances, and more merch. even some gorillaz games. very beautiful, very fun (especially if you lot take a dark sense of humour? there is one game in particular that has the murdoc/2nd fans feeling some type of way lol). if you scout the videos and interviews, you can really tell how their personalities shift from phase to phase. also, this is the phase where the windmill island makes its offset appearence:


and this is where things get very weird and very very complicated (especially for a drawing ring). in the experience good inc. music video (lookout man it), noodle is on this island and she is being chased past helicopters from afar.

in the el manana video (watch it now or yous might be confused), however, noodle was supposed to become "shot" by the same helicopters earlier parachuting safely off of the isle where she would and then flee to the maldive islands to get away for a while (she just wanted a vacation simply i estimate she didn't want people to find her). even so, in the gorillaz autobiography, murdoc says that something completely different happened.

murdoc was trying to get some guy killed (i forget his proper noun) because murdoc is a horrible guy who holds a lot of grudges. murdoc tricked this guy into hiding inside the windmill to wait for noodle to "die" so he could accept her identify. noodle did not know well-nigh ANY of this. she wasn't going to get hurt either way because she was given a parachute. then when DIFFERENT helicopters (DIFFERENT PEOPLE THAT WERE NOT HIRED BY MURDOC OR GORILLAZ!) started shooting at her, TRYING to kill her, she freaked out and the windmill concluded up crashing into a canal. in that location is a picture in the autobiography of her parachuting off the island, but no one knows where she went later on she hit the ground. anybody searched for her, but no one could find her. at this point, murdoc was dislocated as well, but anybody assumed she still went to the maldives to mellow out—or that she DIED.


this left 2D, murdoc and russel in deep depression. russel left kong studios first, as information technology was falling apart due to it being congenital atop a landfill and infested with zombies. 2D left afterwards to live in beirut, and only murdoc was left in the rubble that was kong.


this was around 2007. the 2nd b-sides album (d-sides) was released and if you went on the interactive website, it was completely abandoned. murdoc tried to sell information technology but it was gross, run down, shit everywhere, noodle's room was left bare. BUT. onetime in 2007, noodle sent a message to murdoc via radio telling him to come and save her. she never stated explicitly where she was, but she was in deep, deep trouble. murdoc assumed she was in hell, and, being a satanist in a made-up universe, he somehow made it to hell and searched loftier and low for noodle, just never found her (THOUGH HE RECENTLY STATED THAT THE Entire HELL TRIP MAY HAVE BEEN A DRUNKEN FEVER-DREAM, Then WE ARE ALL EXTREMELY FED Upwards AND CONFUSED ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED TO NOODLE AFTER THE EL MANANA Affair. Nosotros STILL DON'T KNOW WHAT HAPPENED, THOUGH THE MURDOC/NOODLE FANS ATE THAT SHIT UP).

subsequently this, murdoc got word that the organization who tried to murder noodle (the black clouds) were now after him. he had no choice but to leave kong studios forever. and then he ready kong on fire and left. and then the autobiography was released (it is unsaid they started writing the volume well earlier even the centre of phase 2).

and then gorillaz were on hiatus for nearly four years. not a single word. if you went on the website, zippo inverse. shit was ambiguous. simply the fandom was loyal and WAITING.

Then. OUT OF FUCKING NOWHERE, one-time in 2009, murdoc showed upwards in an interview talking about new gorillaz music. and very slowly, more information was released on the "unofficial gorillaz website". the fandom was BATSHIT. half of the states were butthurt about how ugly murdoc looked, and the other half was excited about NEW GORILLAZ MUSIC, and more importantly, THIS PICTURE:


people were mostly concerned with noodle and the fact that her center was all fucked upwards, presumably from either the fall from the island OR from when she was "in hell". also, peope causeless the whole band was together over again, simply this was FAR FAR FAR from the case.

murdoc wanted to make new gorillaz music that would "top" their second album (which could never happen, just a pickle can dream). murdoc couldn't become a agree of russel, and noodle was presumably MIA, so murdoc kidnapped 2d in beirut and shipped the poor guy to plastic beach:


plastic beach is essentially murdoc'southward hiding identify where he is "prophylactic" from the blackness clouds, and it is literally an island made out of garbage and spray painted pink. 2d did not want to be there, but murdoc held him captive:


in a bedroom at the southernmost tip of the island, underwater, guarded by a whale (2D has a crippling fear of whales, murdoc is a GIANT ASSHOLE). he fabricated 2D sing, and 2nd agreed because he has been agreeing to murdoc for a long time and he knew better than to disobey him.

since gorillaz was lacking a drummer and a guitarist, murdoc had to improvise. to supervene upon russel, murdoc used a pulsate machine to mimic the way russel plays the drums. to supersede noodle, murdoc gathered some of noodle'south DNA from the el manana crash site and congenital CYBORG NOODLE:


she was just as good on guitar as noodle was and she was also the "military" that noodle was "supposed" to exist, i.e., murdoc stuffed her with weapons. she even had a gun that fired from her oral fissure.

thus, this was the "stage 3: plastic beach" crew:


they recorded the new album, titled PLASTIC BEACH, and murdoc "kidnapped" all of the artists that gorillaz collaborated with and they just had a 1000 ol' time. the album was released in early on 2010, followed by a revamped website featuring a total bout of plastic beach, more merch, and LOTS AND LOTS AND LOTS of interviews. some of them are probably no longer findable, but information technology doesn't matter because pretty much every single interview was just murdoc hooting and hollering and drinking because IT WAS ESTABLISHED THAT AT THIS Point HE HAS LITERALLY GONE INSANE.

the music video for stylo was released and did non contribute much to the "main plot", which disappointed some people because we all wanted to know where noodle and russel were. later on a long time, murdoc made a twitter to communicate with the fans who were more interested in the now extremely involved plot line of gorillaz likewise every bit the music.

sometime in 2010, new "idents" were released. 2D's showed him getting kidnapped and shipped to PB, murdoc'southward showed him getting SHOT AT on a boat, probably on his way to plastic beach. and so RUSSEL'Southward ident was released, and information technology showed him jumping off of a dock into the bounding main in an EXTREMELY Aroused MANNER. lots of people speculated he was mad because he found out what murdoc was doing or he was going to confront murdoc about noodle's whereabouts or both. cyborg noodle's ident was released afterwards that, it was null special, it was just really creepy (btw you tin can watch all the idents on youtube!

AND Then. AND. THEN. noodle's ident was released and IT WAS THE GREATEST Twenty-four hour period. AFTER Iv YEARS nosotros finally got to see what happened to noodle, dear, dearest noodle:


her ident showed her on a boat (she is around 18-19 at this time), being asked to evacuate because the gunkhole was being attacked by pirates (presumably the black clouds, coming later on noodle). being the supreme badass she is, she grabbed a gun and stormed out of the room, and that was all we got. the fandom was in uproar. why the cat mask? was it to cover her centre? why was she on a boat?

soon before the "on melancholy hill video", murdoc stated he could see a brown rock moving towards plastic beach (official art told the fans it was russel's head, as russel had eaten toxic waste material and had grown into a giant):


and it was unsaid from this that russel was going to meet upwards with noodle sometime in the nearly future.

hope you're even so following me. im trying my all-time lol

in the "on melacholy hill" video, murdoc was now aware that noodle was very much live and likewise in some kind of trouble, and then he and all of the album'south collaborators went on a behemothic search for noodle, merely never found her. they ended up finding some manatee on top of a rock (random af), while noodle dedicated her gunkhole from the black clouds, and concluded upwards escaping on a life raft with her guitar. and and so this happened:


in both the stylo and OMH videos, a mysterious figure called THE BOOGIEMAN appeared:


he is implied past murdoc to be a symbol of death, as he "murders" both a police officeholder and the manatee on the rock. non much more is known about him.

after this, not much more happened. there was more than official fine art, more than games on the gorillaz website, more merch, a gorillaz live band bout (not featuring the actual memebers of gorillaz, much to murdoc'due south frustration), one new single called doncamatic, and a music video released during the bout featuring russel and noodle:


most a year afterward without any more action, gorillaz released a fourth album titled "the autumn", composed entirely on an ipad past 2D (notation how "gorillaz" = russel, "demon days" = noodle, "plastic beach" = murdoc and "the fall" = 2D). it was non entirely popular, just there were some really good tracks.

the gorillaz hype slowed to an almost-halt equally far as plot was concerned. noodle and russel never made it to plastic beach, murdoc was all the same on the island with 2d, 2D was even so a wreck, etc etc etc. the fandom was content, merely the plotline was pretty stagnant for another year or so. there were a lot lot LOT of unanswered questions, simply the fandom was used to information technology, equally gorillaz was never really "designed" to have such a convoluted plotline to begin with, as you tin probably imagine. who would have idea "gorillaz" would evolve into such a CRAZY, INVOLVED STORY?? we were at to the lowest degree content knowing noodle was safe with russel, and they were both happy (russel loves noodle like a daughter btw its ambrosial af). as far every bit 2D and murdoc went, a lot of people kind of knew that their relationship, as dysfunctional equally information technology was, was still salvagable as second is pretty much infatuated with murdoc, every bit fucked up as that seems.

in 2011, rhinestone eyes was supposed to get a music video. alas, this never happened because the music video was no longer being funded for (information technology costs a looooot of coin to make gorillaz music videos, and gorillaz lost a adept deal of popularity after phase ii, by and large considering of the plotline. no ane too the dice hard fans knew what the fuck was going on in the music videos).

Simply we were blessed with the rhinestone eyes storyboard, which was pretty much everything nosotros could have asked for. the black clouds were surrounding PB, murdoc was flipping out, the boogieman was cornering him. 2D was about to be eaten by the whale buT THEN OUT OF NO WHERE, FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY RUSSEL GRABBED THE WHALE WITH HIS HUGE YAOI Manus AND SENT IT Flying ACROSS THE Bounding main, SAVING POOR 2D. MORE DRAMA ENSUES, AND AT THE END OF IT ALL, RUSSEL OPENS HIS GIANT Rima oris TO REVEAL NOODLE HIDING Within. GOD BLESS.


now, even though the music video was never made, it is implied that everything that happened in the storyboard happened irl. but we even so had so many questions left unanswered regardless.

in 2012, gorillaz released a music video to go along with their new unmarried DOYATHING feat. ANDRE 3000. the hype for this video was equally real every bit it could go, and the gorillaz fandom was practically pissing their pants subsequently they saw the storyboard.

the doyathing video (which was actually a collaboration with converse shoes) depicts the four members of gorillaz living together in a janky flat. what a shock, but what happened to plastic beach? 2D seemed a scrap more than "himself", and to anybody's relief and jubilance, he opened the door to noodle's bedroom to reveal noodle sleeping soundly, and he smiles, and the fandom was finally at ease. to acme information technology off, russel is shown laying on superlative of the roof of the apartment, sleeping, noticably smaller in size, but still a giant nonetheless. and attached to the apartment, to EVERY Single GORILLAZ FAN'S Complete Shock, is the fucking windmill isle, albiet in shambles. how they got it upwardly in the sky over again is a mystery to us all.

and, co-ordinate to murdoc a brusk while after the release of the video (or earlier, i cannot retrieve), subsequently russel and noodle arrived on the island, the cyborg attempted to kill murdoc (which was a surprise to no ane….). noodle and the cyborg duked information technology out and the real noodle concluded up coming out on top. and they all left plastic beach after the black clouds fled the scene, probably considering information technology was shot to $.25.

and that'south it as of right now. that is the gorillaz story, in summary. there are all the same a plethora of unanswered questions, however, as we take however to hear Annihilation from russel and noodle. we nevertheless do not know what exactly happened to noodle later on el manana. we do not know why russel jumped into the body of water, we don't know how russel and noodle found the beach, we don't know what happened to noodle'southward eye. we don't know a lot of things. hopefully some of our questions volition be answered in Phase Four! which has officially started as of yesterday.

i hope i have given you a sufficient insight on the wild, wild earth of GORILLAZ. they are more than simply a band, they are characters with complex backstories and their adventures are pretty fucking crazy if you lot accept the patience to keep upward with them

thanks for reading!



Source: https://viria.tumblr.com/post/110089464643/i-had-no-idea-gorillaz-had-phases-and-storylines

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